Thursday, June 5th, we went to the Vandalur Colony. The Vandalur Colony is situated near the Vandalur railway station in Chennai. The total population consists of 166 individuals , including 22 families. 136 of the individuals in this colony are affected with leprosy. 75 are employed and are able to work through an export companies, driving, and general labor. They are not migrants and have been in Vandalur since 1961.
It was the dirtiest colony by far that we have visited. There was trash everywhere and the animals weren't very clean either.There were lots of goats at this colony. And lots of tiny tiny children with the biggest smiles. I actually got to hold a baby goat. It wasn't more than a couple hours old. (Dad would be so proud). I have the cutest picture of the goat snuggling up to my cheek. It's almost like it knew we were about the snap the picture.
The baby goat that snuggled up to me. She's only a couple hours old here.
I named her Vidya. Happy Birthday Vidya! |
My newest friend. |
This puppy's name is "Blacky". |
Bare Bottoms and Motor Bikes |
I was assigned to trim toenails and fingernails. I sat next to Jaclyn (oiling) and Andrea (washing). We sit on these little plastic stools in a room with concrete walls and ceiling fans. But in all honesty, we'd prefer to be outside. It's muggy and wet in the rooms-- and you'd think it'd be cool with the ceiling fans and all-- but it's not. There is no relief from the heat here except for the air conditioning in our rooms at night and the thunder storms in the evenings. I love the thunderstorms. It feels so nice to walk in the rain-- but the hours leading up to the storm are thickly humid and muggy.
Navamani treated a cut on the bottom of my foot. I played soccer Indian style yesterday with the kiddos, and although I loved it-- I must admitI really should have worn shoes. |
We visited the zoo on the way back from the colony. We went on the Lion and Deer Safari which included us squeezing way too many people into a way too small caged bus. We were in the open Lion exhibit. I could have literally reached out and touched the lions with my bare hands if the windows hadn't been caged. It was sad to see the condition of the animals. They looked like they were dying and exhausted. The heat must take a toll on them too. It made me appreciate the zoos in the states so much more. I must admit a couple times on this trip I've had the thought reoccur to me that maybe, possibly, I should be a veterinarian. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a nurse still.
It was a little bit of a cultural experience at the zoo when my friend Kendra and I followed our professor and Kristin to get some ice cream and soda. We stood in line patiently, and when it was our turn, men came out of the woodwork to get ahead of us. Some of them just walked straight up to the front of the line. Others reached over us, around us, between us. And the cashier only took the money and orders from the Indian males. We eventually asked Dave (RSO Coordinator) and Craig (BYU Professor) to help us out. They stood in line for us and had no problems.
In India, as women, we have no value. Our money has no value even. But once our money is in a male's hands or once we are with a male escort, the money suddenly becomes equal again. It makes me grateful for the awesome country we live in with the many freedoms i take for granted too frequently. I'm grateful to have been blessed to live in the states. But I am also so grateful for this experience in India to help put things into perspective.
After the zoo we rushed home to vaccinate the fifth and tenth standard students (fifth and tenth graders) as well as the UKGs and the new comers. I was able to give a couple of the fifth standard students their vaccines. I was so proud when after I had given a little girl her shot, she told me "No pain, Auntie!" as she smiled, grabbed her candies, and ran back out to her friends. Here at Rising Star, we (the female volunteers) are called "Auntie" by the students. It makes it easier for them to talk with us without feeling like they need to know our names. Although they are really good at picking up our names. I mean really good. Playtime consisted of jump roping, soccer, tickle torture, and juggling. It's always a good time with these kids. I love them.
"Chief", the best flea bitten dog around. |
After dinner we put on a talent show for the kids. It included renditions of Disney songs like "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" and "Let's Get Down To Business" (with great hand motions and facial expression mind you). We taught them the boot scoot boogie and the macarena (to Taylor Swift's "22" of course). They picked up on the dances fairly quickly, and they LOVED it. We did some skits, juggled a soccer ball, had some solo performances, and a push up contest. And the finale? One Direction of course. We grabbed some little ones and danced until our feet hurt. it was a long day. And bedtime was bitter sweet.
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