Monday, May 9, 2016

"The Invisible Boat" and a Tidbit on Codependency

"Picture ourselves standing on the shore. Way across the water is an island called serenity, where peace, happiness, and freedom exist from the despair of alcoholism and other problems. We really want to get to that island, but we've got to find a way to get across the water-- that huge void that stands between us and where we want to be.

We have two choices. In the water is an ocean liner, a cruise ship that looks real posh and cozy. It's called treatment, therapy. Next to it, on the beach, sits a group of odd-looking people. They appear to be rowing a boat, but we can't see a boat, and we can't see the oars. We only see these happy people sitting on a beach rowing an invisible boat with invisible oars. The invisible boat is called Al-Anon. The ocean liner honks, summoning us aboard the treatment and therapy cruise. We can see the people on board; they're happy and waving to us. Then there's these goofy people hollering at us to join them in their invisible boat. Would we choose the liner or the invisible boat? Of course, we'll get on the ocean liner, the luxury cruise. The next thing we know, we're headed towards the island of happiness.

The problem is about mid-way across the water, the ocean liner stops, turns around, and heads back to shore where we started from. Then the captain orders everyone off the ship. When we ask, "Why?" he says, "Our cruise only goes so far. The only way you can ever get to that island is by getting in the invisible boat."

So we shrug our shoulders and walk over to the people in the boat. "Get in!" they holler. "We can't see any boat to get into!" we holler back. "Get in anyway," they say. So we get in, and pretty soon they say, "Pick up an oar and start rowing." "Can't see any oars," we holler back. "Pick'em up and start rowing, anyway!" they say. So we pick up invisible oars and start rowing, and pretty soon, we see the boat. Before we know it, we see the oars too. Next thing we know, we're so happy rowing the boat with the goofy people we don't care if we ever get to the other side. "

-- an excerpt from Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

We were not made to be reactionary. We were made to be revolutionary. 

I was not made to be codependent. I was made to be my own person. With my own needs, desires, and decisions. And as I learn to recognize these patterns, stop them, and place a new strategy in their void, I will become revolutionary. I may not be a revolutionary to the world, but I will be revolutionary to my world. And that's all that really matters. The view is only going to get better from here.

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