On Wednesday May 2, 2014 we all woke up at 5:00 am and headed out on our journey to the
Bargur Colony. (Actually we all woke up about 1 am because of this massive thunder storm that shook the entire hostel). It was originally a 6 hour bus drive-- but our bus happened to break down in the middle of the trip, in the middle of the highway, in the middle of nowhere.
We were quite the spectacle on the side of the road. |
Our sad little bus. |
We had some fun taking pictures, making silly videos, and talking about nonsense. Dani, Jaclyn and I road on ahead with the medical team while the rest of the group stayed back and waited for another bus. On the bus trip we made a tiny stop so the medical team could eat breakfast. Jaclyn's sharp eye caught the sight of some glorious oreos-- so we splurged and spent 90 rupees on three packs of Oreos (a little over a dollar). They were orange cream-- so they weren't the best-- but I loved every second of it.
Abarna taught us how to write our name in Tamil too. From what I've learned on the trip, Tamil is actually one of the first languages of India. It's almost like Sanskrit is to us. I thought it was interesting. A lot of the people here speak English (from the British rule) and Tamil (their native language). At Rising Star, the children have class for English and Tamil so they can preserve their language.
A cool experience I had today happened to be really simple. I had asked Mymonisha and Ebeneezer if they would take a picture with me in the most beautiful spot in the whole colony. Immediately Mymonisha told us to follow her, so we did. We ended up in front of their church. It was simple compared to what churches in the US are like-- but they were so very fond of their beautiful church. They love it. I think it's cool that they love their church enough to say it's the most beautiful place in the whole colony. I was expecting some beautiful look out (the Bargur Colony is built into a hill side that looks out over beautiful hills and trees), but the church was perfect. And I think that I mistakenly take the beauty of my own church buildings and temples for granted.
When the rest of the group arrived, I was assigned to work with Navumani, the nurse who treats the ulcers of all the leprosy patients. I got to bind their wounds after we debrided them and treated them with antibiotic ointments and gauze. I got to bind the wounds of Mymonisha's Grandfather, and it was really special to me to be the nurse who cared for him. It's special to be able to meet see where the students come from. I'm not going to lie-- the wounds did smell. And they looked painful. I think what bothers me the most is the flies. They don't leave-- and it's not like the flies are swarming around a mud pie or a carcass-- they're swarming around a person's wounds. Their skin is necrotic and blood flow is poor. It drives me crazy that I can't keep the flies away.
Navumani and Me |
Then we headed out to a hotel-- don't ask me where-- we've asked the drivers where we are multiple times and all they tell us is, "I don't know, I just drive". No one really knows where we are on a map, but they sure know where they're going... I think. When we got to the hotel around 4pm, we finally ate some lunch. And then Dani and Jaclyn and I headed up to our room. We shared a king sized bed and we would have shared a single towel and pillow unless our awesome drivers Vaylou and Mutee had been there to help us get extra pillows and towels. You see, in India, if a woman wants help with anything-- she must be with a man. Otherwise she can stand at the hotel counter with thousands of rupees for hours on end and still receive no service. Just another freedom I take for granted in the good old USA.
Thursday, May 29, 2014 we went to another colony,
Bharathiar Nagar. I was assigned to work at the blood pressure and glucose station with Janeen. We worked hard and fast. Each of us did at least 35 blood pressures and glucose checks. There were an exceptional amount of patients that day. Janeen stuck herself with a dirty needle while recapping. We've always been taught to avoid recapping in the US, but here, it's normal. We tested the patient for Hep B, C, and HIV and all of her preliminary tests came back negative. This is why we don't recap-- it's dangerous. So nursing friends-- remember not to recap your needles! I also played with the little kids. My roommate Lindsey and friend Ryan sent me to India with a little electric fan that sprayed water-- and they LOVED it. It kept us all cool on such a hot day.
Blood Glucose testing and Blood Pressures with Janeen |
After working hard in the colony, we drove a ways to eat lunch. We ate rice, chicken, and gravy (curry) with our hands. It was delicious, and messy. Then we headed out to probably my most favorite part of the trip! We went rafting in little baskets! They were what I'd describe as bamboo baskets. It's so cool to see how things are built here. It's not plastic and metal like in the US. It's primitive-- and so simple. A thunder storm rolled in while we were there and it just poured and poured. The falls were beautiful. It was a perfect day for splash paddle wars, monkey watching, and swimming in the river. There are monkeys everywhere here. I've seen hundreds-- and they are vicious.

At one point, we found a mouse and the boat owner threw him out into the river. A couple of us were distraught that he might drown. Our driver Vaylou jumped in to save the mouse with his bare hands. The best part was the picture moment when Andrea took a picture with the group and the mouse kissed her on the cheek. It was so great! I wish you all could have seen her reaction!
Andrea and Vaylou with the mouse |
That night we stayed at the Karigiri Hospital family hostels. Jaclyn, Dani, and I roomed together again. I slept better there than I have any other night in India. It was authentic, Indian style, living. I loved it. I have never felt more at home. It's weird to think that I've been in India for a week now. Sometimes it still doesn't feel like it has sunk in. And other moments I think to myself-- wow. I'm in India. This is fantastic!
Me * Dani * Jaclyn |
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