Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pinch Me, Is This Even Real?

Tomorrow is Thursday, May 22, 2014. It is also the day that my dream comes true. At 11:05 am I will be on the runway, ready for take off, and headed East for the best month of my life. 

This summer, I have been blessed with the privilege of serving my brothers and sisters in the leprosy colonies of South Eastern India. We'll be flying into Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India. From there we'll be heading out to Rising Star Outreach where our work will begin. I've attached a brief video of the mobile clinic so you can see for yourself what my friends and I will be doing. ( Rising Star Outreach Mobile Clinic )

I'm basically going to the exact opposite side of the world. The time difference is about 12 hours. As I write this close to midnight mountain standard time, it's noon in Chennai. It is also 97 degrees Fahrenheit and humid. Very humid. And at night the coolest it gets is about 84 degrees. (Don't worry, I'm taking soap.) Needless to say, I'll be grateful for cold showers. Our showers will be cold. They'll consist of buckets of water. And the frogs will be watching us (Don't worry, I won't be kissing any of them). Oh and the toilets? They're called "Squatty Potties". More on this to come.

It's crazy to think this is actually happening. After all the hard work, early mornings, hours of studying, and support from my family and friends-- I've made it. I'm really going to India. I'm really becoming a nurse. And yes, I'm really going to ride an elephant. (Let's be honest though, I can't fly all the way to India and NOT ride an elephant).

Thanks for reading along! I hope you enjoy it!

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